New Bill Would Require “Transparency” In Small Business Goaling
Steven Koprince explains a simple but effective legislation that could find its way into the next NDAA.
Proposed Size Standard Increases to NAICS Codes 562910 and 541519
How will the SBA’s proposed size standard increases to NAICS codes 562910 and 541519 affect your small business? Learn more in this guest post.
Virginia Maintains Small Business Definition as 50 Employees or Fewer
Joe Abbelbaum of Potomac Companies explains the recent Virginia House of Delegates decision of how they will define a small business.
Why the NDAA is So Important to Small and Mid-Size Federal Contractors
Tonya Saunders explains how the NDAA 2016 aims to increase the capability of small business contractors to the federal government.
12 Ways to Instill Authority and Responsibility at Your Company
Who is responsible for the tasks, projects, and processes in your company? Keith Stadler explains why that is such a crucial question to answer.
Project Manager Accountability – 5 Warning Signs
While most firms expect project managers to deliver profitable projects, many lack appropriate measures to ensure it happens, writes June Jewell.
The Color Team Process of Proposal Management – Notes From a Newcomer
A TAPE communications specialist describes his impressions as a newcomer to color teaming, including three key caveats.
Found the Perfect Federal Opportunity at FBO.gov? Keep Looking
Before you write a bid for a federal contract, take the time to make a rational bid/no-bid decision. Learn more in Eileen Kent’s guest post.
In LPTA Procurements, Let’s Not Lose Sight Of The “P” For People
Staci Redmon explains why her company will not submit bids when the evaluation factor is LPTA, and why LPTA procurements put us all at risk.
WOSB Sole Source – It’s About Time
Tonya Saunders of MTA explains why Federal agencies will soon be able to award sole source contracts to WOSBs and EDWOSBs.