The Phases of Capture Management
The larger the opportunity, the more detailed you’ll want to be in your capture process. Otherwise, those hundreds of steps can summarized into a few key small phases.
The Dreaded OCI Clause – Organizational Conflict of Interest
As a sub, if your core capabilities are going to be in conflict with the work your prime is going after, things aren’t going to work out well for you.
A Trade Show Alternative for Federal Contractors and Government
With the cancellation of many of the most critical “Business to Government” industry trade shows in 2013, Eileen Kent has come up with an innovative potential solution for bringing business and government together.
Will FSSI Stop Small Business Federal Contractors Before They Start?
In federal contracting, are the days of building relationships with your local agency gone for good? The unintended consequences of FSSI.
Federal Customers Say the Darnedest Things
Eileen Kent, our federal sales sherpa, told us, “When I was at a trade show in 2010, I…
Cold Calling the Federal Government
According to Eileen Kent, the Federal Sales Sherpa, “Everyone has a fair and open opportunity – to make…
Develop A Sales Strategy Now – Before the Summer Federal Feeding Frenzy Begins
“Repair your boat, prepare your map, update your tackle and cast your nets!” That’s the message from federal…
Success in Government Contracts: Knowing Your Market and Keeping in Touch
We’re back with Judy Bradt, CEO of Summit Insight LLC, who has been presenting her seven steps to…
Success in Government Contracts: Flip Competition Over and You Get Teaming
We’re back with Judy Bradt, CEO of Summit Insight LLC, to talk about her seven steps to success in…
Success in Government Contracts: You Can’t Escape the Rules, but You Can Nail the Process
We’re back with Judy Bradt, CEO of Summit Insight LLC, who is leading us through her seven steps to…