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What this year’s SBA small business scorecard means for your small federal contractor business. Data courtesy of Set-Aside Alert.
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© Brian Jackson – Fotolia.com

The team at Set-Aside Alert™ recently published their FY2015 Federal Agency Small Business Goals Summary Report, and gave us permission to reprint their findings:


Interesting data. Here’s what I noticed:

  • Department of Energy missed every goal, and was given an A.
  • HubZone seems hard to hit – only 6 of 16 hit that goal.
  • Surprisingly, several missed the goal for service-disabled veteran-owned businesses, which has been pretty consistent and over the mark. Education and Health and Human Services (HHS) missed it “by a mile.” If you’re a SDVO small business, you need to get out there and go after these folks!
  • Transportation got the only A+; they made every goal, and some by a decent amount over.
  • Only VA and HHS got B grades, which seems kind of surprising since they did well on most things. Obviously the VA did the best on SDVOSB – that just makes sense!
  • Finally, since Energy and Agency for International Development (AID) were the only ones to miss the overall small business goal of 23%, and yet the final total was only 25.75%, that tells you there’s some big missed opportunities at those agencies that we need to steer towards small businesses.

By the way, EVERY miss in this table is an opportunity to go in, talk to the small business officer, and make your case. They know they missed their goal, and would love to set it right in 2016. The buying season is coming, so give them a chance to select YOU.

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