How a Good Business Plan is a Key Messaging Tool
Cheree Warrick is back to reveal the three audiences you can reach more effectively once you have a well-written business plan.
How to Write a Bankable Business Plan
Guest expert Cheree Warrick explains what banks and lenders are looking for in a business plan.
Small IT and Government Contractor Businesses Have Two Strikes Against Them
It’s not just the revised NAICS size standards that are working against small IT businesses. There is another factor at play.
Not Small Anymore—Beyond the 8(a) and Small Business Size Standards
On December 19, 2013, I gave a presentation with my wife Louisa L. Jaffe, TAPE CEO and President,…
Not Small Anymore – TAPE Presents at the NCMA Small Business Virtual Conference 2013
Because this is such a unique format, I interviewed NCMA Executive Director Michael Fischetti about what attendees can expect from this virtual event.
The Dreaded OCI Clause – Organizational Conflict of Interest
As a sub, if your core capabilities are going to be in conflict with the work your prime is going after, things aren’t going to work out well for you.
Payroll Financing for Government Contractors
One of the biggest financial barriers to success as a federal contractor is how to make payroll while you’re waiting for the government to pay you. Here’s one option to consider.
How to Operate as a Prime in a Multiple Award Contract
Congratulations, you’ve won a big IDIQ where you’re the prime, but before you count the dollar signs, be sure you understand these seven components of the multiple award contract process.
Prime Versus Sub – A Critical Decision
Here are seven questions to ask yourself when deciding whether to bid as a prime contractor or a subcontractor.
CSIS Study Finds Mid-Sized Firms are Getting Squeezed Out of Government Contracts
With the mid-tier business concerns put on hold for further study, I wanted to call attention to this…