Acquisition Needs Realistic Program Requirements and Budgets
In the federal acquisition process, the more specific the requirements, the less diverse solutions we’re going to get.
Attracting and Training a Qualified Acquisition Workforce
In complex federal procurement situations, the price of an inexperienced acquisitions workforce is delays.
Incentivization in the Acquisition Process
Understanding how the acquisition workforce responds to the metrics by which they’re measured is an issue that has to be looked at much more closely than it has up until now.
Defense Acquisition Reform – Four Emerging Themes
Experts weighed in with their insights on defense acquisition reform. Here is what I think about the four main issues.
An Open House is Not Just For Real Estate
How Team SPR/TAPE is using an open house to promote their capabilities to their local community and you can do the same.
The Interplay Between Education, Certification and Experience
Increasingly, federal RFPs require education and certification. This affects the federal contractor in two ways.
Two Key Questions for Federal Contractors
Now is the time to be planting seeds with your federal customers.
Capitalizing on Year-End Success
How relationship building basics led to new federal contracting work at fiscal year-end.
In Capture Management for Federal Contracting, Some Say Experience-Schmerience
For the same dollars it would cost to hire one experienced person, you can bring on two or even three recent college graduates. But should you?
Want Free Business Development? Get Involved!
How getting involved as a volunteer creates valuable networking opportunities. And all it costs is your time!