NDAA FY2016 and Small Business – Part Two
Continuing our look into the NDAA FY2016 and its small business provisions.
NDAA FY2016 and Small Business – Part One
Part One of my look into the changes in NDAA FY2016 and how they will impact small business federal contractors.
NDAA FY2016 Section 867 – Joint Venturing and Teaming Changes
Section 867 of FY 2016 NDAA allows the past performance of the non-lead joint venturers to extend to the whole joint venture.
Serving the Same Client For Almost 30 Years
What qualities are most important in a long-term client relationship? TAPE VP Joel Fleck looks back over almost 30 years with the same client.
Strategic Planning for Federal Contractors
It’s that start of the year reflective time again, and I’m reminded that the fundamentals of strategic planning come down to two things.
Transitioning Into a New Federal Contract
There is a whole set of processes that are launched upon winning a new federal contract. Here are some of the things to expect.
Credit for Lower Tier Small Business Subcontracting
A new SBA rule allows credit for small business subcontracting goals for subcontract awards made to small business concerns at any tier.
Career Transition from the Military to the Civilian Sector
The military is where you find the best and brightest the nation has to offer. What employers and veterans need to know about the transition.
The Consolidated Professional Services Schedule for Federal Contractors
What you need to understand about GSA’s new consolidated Professional Services Schedule (PSS).
The Bits and Bytes of Synthetic Terrain Representation
Proud to see a member of the TAPE/Strong Point Research team featured in Army AL&T magazine. Learn more about their exciting project.