Training is a Tool, Not a Task: TRADOC Commanding General David G. Perkins
Former TRADOC Commander General David G. Perkins calls upon the Army and industry to provide more integrated training tools.
Industry Innovation: What Today’s Military Leaders Need
TAPE President/CEO Louisa Jaffe summarizes a fascinating I/ITSEC 2017 keynote by former TRADOC Commander General David G. Perkins.
The Team Approach to Capture Management
Staffing and pricing for capture management, and how the TAPE team works together and decides what to bid on.
The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act – A Summary of Changes
The 2018 NDAA contains many significant changes to DoD operations and organization, as well as some government-wide changes.
Organizing for Capture
Relationships and data are equally important to the capture management process. A TAPE capture manager explains.
Small Versus Large – an HR Perspective
TAPE’s HR generalist Alexia Groszer is back to discuss some business size issues from an HR perspective.
HR for Small Business
What are the hot topics in HR for small business these days? TAPE’s Alexia Groszer fills us in.
When An Employee Passes Away
The news that an employee has died can feel shocking. Being prepared can help us grieve and deal with the situation. Guest post by Louisa Jaffe.
Innovation – Act Now
The world has never been more starving than it is now for new ways to do things. TAPE’s CEO & President Louisa Jaffe invites us all to act now.
Supporting Women Veterans
An inspiring account of just how far the VA has come in supporting our women veterans.