What is Considered a Small Business Subcontract?
If the small business activity a prime claims has nothing to do with the main contract, it may no longer qualify as small business subcontracting activity.
Closing a Small Business Loophole
Until now, only prime contracts counted towards an agency’s 23% small business success rate, and this was measured only at the end of a contract. Not anymore!
Primes Who Are Slow to Pay Can Be Reported
If a prime contractor pays a subcontractor late or less than agreed upon, the contracting officer can take them to task, and even reduce their CPARS ratings.
Small Business Subcontractors Are Feeling Used
One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard is that the large business will use the small business to get an award but then give the actual work to someone else. SBA's new final rule is trying to address this practice.
Maximum Practicable Opportunity for Small Business Subcontractors – New SBA Final Rule
One thing the new SBA final rule states is that primes must provide “maximum practicable opportunity” to small businesses. This post will discuss what that means and why it’s good news.
Reporting on the Report Cards for Small Business Contracting Goals
The Federal Government may have failed to meet its small business contracting goals overall, but here's how this situation demonstrates that you can still prosper in the midst of sequestration.
The Dreaded OCI Clause – Organizational Conflict of Interest
As a sub, if your core capabilities are going to be in conflict with the work your prime is going after, things aren’t going to work out well for you.
Shrinking the Contracting Gender Gap
This is a guest post by Rose Wang, Founder and CEO, Binary Group In the first part of this post, I…
The Important Role of Women-Owned Businesses
This guest post by Rose Wang of Binary Group introduces some of the issues facing women-owned businesses in federal contracting.
Biggest Gaps in Small Business Report Cards
Curious which departments have the biggest gaps to fill in meeting small business goals? Let's look at the issues these government agencies are having.