Grading the Government on Small Business Contracts – FY 2014 Scorecard
By and large the SBA scorecard represents a very strong performance by the Federal Government in awarding contracts to small business.
The GAO Stands Up For Small Business
How the GAO based a current contracting decision on a prime’s past subcontracting performance. Guest post by Steven Koprince of SmallGovCon.
Veterans Make Great Entrepreneurs
Learn about an upcoming event in support of women veteran entrepreneurs.
Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture to Apply to All Small Businesses
My thoughts about the proposed change to make the DoD mentor-protégé program permanent and applied to other small businesses.
DOD Seeks to End the 25-Year “Pilot” Status of the DoD Mentor-Protégé Program
In this guest post, Alex Levine, Associate, PilieroMazza PLLC, reviews the U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD”) recent announcement of its intent to request a 10-year extension of its mentor-protégé program.
GAO Identifies WOSB Program Flaws
The GAO released a report citing several important concerns about the WOSB Program. Steven Koprince summarizes the issues in this guest post.
Good News for Women-Owned Small Businesses
Shelley Hall explains how NDAA 2013 amended the Small Business Act to favor women-owned small businesses, and economically-disadvantaged WOSBs.
Government Meets FY 13 Small Business Goal; HUBZones and WOSBs Fall Short
Did the government deserve an A on the FY 2013 Procurement Scorecard? Guest blogger Steven Koprince weighs in.
Size Standard Inflation Adjustment is Big News for Small Business
Inflation can give an unfair perception that a business has outgrown its size standards. Luckily SBA recognizes and is addressing this.
Delays, Delays, Delays
I’m not sure the government realizes the impact that delays or cancellations have on federal contractors, especially small businesses.