How Caucasian Women Can Prove Social Disadvantage for the 8(a) Program
As I’ve written before, certifying your business with a special designation is a smart way to get your…
How to be Gracious When Losing a Contract
Job loss and uneasy employees? That’s not what TAPE is all about.
Energy Got an F on their Small Business Report Card – New Customers for You?
Established through the Office of Management and Budget, every federal government agency receives a PAR – Performance Accountability…
How Section 1611 of the NDAA Will Help Supply Chain Businesses
There is a very little understood aspect of Section 1611 of the NDAA that has some fairly important implications for those heavily involved in the logistics and supply chain, especially those who supply lots of small things to the federal government.
DoD Office of Small Business Supports HR 1611 – Do You?
This just in from the Mid-Tier Advocacy Group: House Resolution 1611, dealing with advanced small business needs, is the…
Business Valuation Issues for Small Businesses
Small businesses in the federal sector are often puzzled when they find out that their business’s valuation is very low. Here's how it all works.
Were You at the NCMA Conference?
At TAPE, our relationship with the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) has helped us to find, attract and…
The 2012 Small Business Congress – Get Your Seat for this Pivotal Event
The Small Business Congress is a great opportunity for networking and discussion, and to learn from industry insiders. You will have a vote as the Small Business Association determines its top small business priorities for the upcoming session of Congress.
Sequestration is Bad for Business
To resolve the United States debt-ceiling crisis, the Budget Control Act of 2011 was signed into law by…
Impact of SBA Size Standard Changes on Small IT Businesses
By law, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is supposed to review, analyze and update the size standards periodically…