Bills Seek to Increase Opportunities for Women-Owned and Other Minority-Owned Businesses
Vivian Ling of the House Small Business Committee calls it a very, very modest proposal. Learn more about the changes here.
WOSB Sole-Source Authority Dispute
A recent federal audit that found nearly 90% of sole-source contracts awarded to WOSBs were improper is getting significant pushback from the SBA.
Intellectual Property and the NDAA 2018
Too often contractors don’t pursue their innovative ideas because they don’t want their innovation to become the property of the government.
Commercial Item Contracting Changes in NDAA 2018
An online ordering system will make things easier and more efficient for government buyers, but there are a few things to figure out first.
Bid Protest Changes in NDAA 2018
With contracting dollars so tight over the last 10 years, every loss is a big deal and protests have increased. The NDAA 2018 addresses this.
Acquisition Threshold Changes in NDAA 2018
As we head into the year-end federal purchasing blitz, these NDAA changes allow small business contractors to get more sole sourcing dollars.
So You Won a Multiple-Award IDIQ, Now What Do You Do?
Multiple-award IDIQs are a tempting source of revenue for small business federal contractors, but only if you’re prepared.
What is a Multiple-Award IDIQ Contract?
Almost every federal agency uses some form of multiple-award IDIQ, so it’s worth it for small business contractors to understand how they work.
The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act – A Summary of Changes
The 2018 NDAA contains many significant changes to DoD operations and organization, as well as some government-wide changes.
NDAA Section 846’s Online Marketplace Provisions – Concerns and Final Analysis
Time will tell what the new online marketplace will look like, but small businesses do have reasons to cheer.