SDVOSB Programs: 2017 NDAA Sharply Curtails VA’s Authority
Steven Koprince explains how NDAA FY17 will essentially prevent the VA from deciding whether a company is a veteran-owned small business.
2017 NDAA Modifies Ownership and Control Criteria for SDVOSBs
When can a surviving spouse take control of a SDVOSB and keep their status? Steven Koprince examines new changes in the 2017 NDAA.
Thoughts on the Incoming Administration
A few early thoughts about the incoming administration, and what we can expect for federal contracting.
Recovering Your Bid Protest Costs
From the moment you start considering a bid protest, keep careful track of your work. Excellent advice from Jerry Miles of Deale Services, LLC.
Sole Source Contracts for Women-Owned Small Businesses
Learn about a huge change affecting WOSBs and EDWOSBs in federal contracting.
SBA Proposed Rule Will Allow Size Standard Appeals
SBA’s size standards can have major competitive repercussions. This proposed rule will allow size standard appeals. Via SmallGovCon.
What the Kingdomware Ruling Means for SDVOSBs
There’s no guarantee, but at least it’s more likely now that VA work could go a service-disabled vet, thanks to Kingdomware and the Rule of Two.
NDAA FY2016 and Small Business – Part Three
Our third and final look at NDAA FY2016 and its small business provisions
Labor Law Changes That Will Affect Small Business Federal Contractors
As a small business owner you may soon have to convert employees from exempt status to hourly status, and pay for a lot more hours.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Joint Ventures – New SBA Requirements
A new SBA regulation for SDVOSM joint ventures takes effect Aug 24, 2016. Be prepared with this guest post from Steven Koprince.